Background and challenges

Shanghai Shazam Technology Co., Ltd. undertook the significant urban complex project of Qiantan Center. Located above the intersection of three subway lines at the Oriental Sports Center, the center covers an area of about 80,000 square meters, with a total construction area of nearly 500,000 square meters. This complex includes a 57-story international Grade-A office building standing 280 meters tall, a large shopping center spanning 120,000 square meters, and a five-star hotel of 60,000 square meters. Facing such a large and complex project, Shazam Technology was tasked with efficiently managing pedestrian traffic, ensuring smooth interaction between different areas, and maintaining safety and comfort.

Data collation

Given the uniqueness and complexity of Qiantan Center, Shazam Technology developed a personalized intelligent building management solution. This solution took into account various specific needs such as office staff movement, goods transportation routes, hotel security, and large crowds in the shopping center and subway. The plan included 27 passenger elevators and 7 high-speed 6.0m/s shuttle elevators, directly connecting to the sky lobby, ensuring efficient linkage and non-interference between different functional areas. Additionally, the system integrated modules for intelligent security monitoring, energy management, and lighting control, achieving automation and intelligence in building operations.

Results and Impact

Shazam Technology's solution successfully managed efficient pedestrian flow and non-interference, significantly improving the operation efficiency and safety of the entire complex. The client highly appreciated the solution, acknowledging that it not only addressed the numerous challenges faced by Qiantan Center but also enhanced the technological and modern feel of the building. This project has not only become a success story for Shazam Technology but also a model for learning and visiting within the industry.


The intelligent building management solution provided by Shanghai Shazam Technology Co., Ltd. to Shanghai Heshenghui Mall not only solves the mall's problems in safety, energy efficiency and customer experience, but also demonstrates Shazam Technology's professional capabilities and innovation in the field of intelligent building management. Spirit. This successful case further solidifies Shazam Technology’s leading position as a provider of smart building management solutions.